
Restorativ is now on LinkedIn!

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our company page for Restorativ on LinkedIn! 🚀At Restorativ, we're dedicated to revolutionizing the field of


Dr. Pablo Romero joins the Restorativ Team!

Restorativ is pleased to announce that Dr. Pablo Romero-Seseña has agreed to become a Management Analyst to the organization. Introducing Pablo, our


Restorativ is hiring a Social Media Tiger Cub!

We are looking for a Social Media Tiger in the making! Today you maybe a cub, but with us you can sharpen your claws in this digital world. If you..


JusticeTech: creating a new technology category

We are excited to be a founding partner of a new initiative to create a technology approach to criminal and social justice technology:


A restorative justice story: Donald Fields Jr.

We recently read the new Gaurdian article Faced with a violent killing, a family chooses forgiveness over prison by Oliver Laughland and found